-about 1980 several of us young people went to paddocks across Darraghs Road from my home
-several of us- like I might be each of the main evil Revelations figures
-as we were crossing the paddocks a type of pig ran out
-I rose a post of timber as if in self defense
-by the paddocks was Reid's Bacon Factory
-DARRAGHS as in DAREDEVIL AGER. I was a super hero around space called Daredevil. My powers included a BATON
-the BATON like the post of TIMBER
-the Bible says the Anti-Christ rules all nations with an Iron Rod
-Marvel Comics' Daredevil's real name is MATT MURDOCK
-like me that day MATTHEW Ager in the PADDOCKS
-he is a Lawyer
-like my other breakdowns. The corrupt to do with me get 15 years each and after time in Prison waiting for the trial
-I rose a post of timber. Several years later I broke windows around the local houses with an axe
-the post of timber and axe incidents. Off the same Road as each other. Like the other breakdowns
-a type of WILD PIG ran out
-I am a super hero like Mark WAHLBERG. Having sex with people. Maybe as a costume what I took from him
-baseball cap on the right way, blue jeans, sneakers and bare chested
-the wild pig escaped the Bacon Factory somehow
-my companies I have put together don't fold. They escape closing
-the corrupt ones do
-later in that same trip in bush. Some of us found some really old BOTTLES and took them
-an elderly man approached in the distance
-BOTTLES maybe meaning BABIES or BIBLES
-the post of TIMBER I rose. Like Charles studied at TIMBERTOP Campus. Revelations calls the Anti-Christ the KING of terror
-this might say many companies will fold except the ones I have set up for me to own