Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Bop Bup Bup

-on Friday March 31st 2017

-I took a Bus to the next town

-I was at the base of the small mountain called MAUAO

-as in MESSIAH


-I was walking by the Surf Beach at MARINE PARADE


-I repeated the line over several times

-Bop Bup Bup

-like in the Whore of BABYLON

-'B' and 'p' look like 6s. So each line had six sixes

-Bop- me in my real body

-Bup- me as Rob Liefeld

-Bup- me as Kyle Lowder

-I turned to go back to the Bus Stop

-on the other side of the Road was 

-a tall, Indian man looking like 1980s drawn Bruce Wayne / Batman. Like a terror super hero like Revelations calls the Anti-Christ The King of Terror

-with him was a woman who looked like Lois Lane / Erica Durance

-like she is like the Whore of Babylon

-she was carrying a Cell Phone

-Bop Bup Bup- like meaning me BILLY BATSON

-repeating Bop Bup Bup. Might have started me on really powerful miracles, got me back on doing miracles constantly, and maybe moved me to a copied Plate where while I lived there my miracles would be incredibly powerful

-maybe I got incredibly powerful miracle power at the base of the MESSIAH / MAUAO mountain. When I repeated over and over Bop Bup Bup. Each line like 666

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


-in 1991 a man came to my grandparents' front door during dinner

-tall, shoulder length black hair at the back and to me a really evil looking face

-he was wearing a fawn suit like a formal Doctor. So he looked like character Doctor Peter Holland

-he said Get your grandfather mate like a threat

-like threatening me being a villain in a soap opera channel, my sex altered, really bad treatment by Social Services and being trapped in a really bad life for the rest of it

-I have always wondered if he was the Anti-Christ

-he represented the three about only paranormal things left on Earth

-he looked like Doctor Peter HOLLAND of nightly Australian soap opera played by Peter LOCHRAN

-HOLLAND like maybe the WHOLE of my list was removed

-maybe including the history of Christianity as in HOLY LAND

-except my home at the Garden of Eden. HOLY LAND

-it might have been the WHOLE number of the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot and Yeti at my front door

-the Loch Ness Monster like the locked versions of Bigfoot, it and Yeti

-all three are like monsters that never die, are seen occasionally but not proven

-the Loch Ness Monster- for the main Universe of miracles called Smallville

-Bigfoot and Yeti- like the lesser worked on Universes of Campbelltown and Sanctuary Supreme

-he said Get your grandfather mate. Like I tried to get rid of all the list

-my grandfather said Tell him we don't want anything. Like I want to get rid of all the list

-I just shut the door on him and walked away

-three balanced actions like for each of the three creatures

-they might have appeared as LOCHRAN / locked at my front door in 1991

-he looked like Disney's ALADDIN


-on a trip to the USA one night I got LOST at each of THREE Washington DC Memorials / Monuments / Monsters

-the man at my front door. Wearing an all pale fawn suit. Like being naked. Me as CHRISTIAN PAREDES / HOLLAND PETER always fighting crime naked

-the large LOCH Ness Monster. And the two ape like creatures. Bigfoot and Yeti

-maybe saying the two men who I might have been meant to marry but Jesus Christ and Jenette Kahn wrecked the idea. With actor Tom Holland and a man like me and looking like character David Platt who was based on me. The pair of them because they are still considered Royalty must marry and stick at it

-LOCK MATRIMONY.  They can't separate .And one of their wives is like Lois Lane in Lois and Clark. She is Bigfoot. And the other wife of them YETI like she feels like Yet I. They both have affairs


-in Primary Class in 1978

-we made a large white paper stuffed Moomin

-based on the Tove Jansson book characters

-they look like upright white hippos

-I was able to take it home

-my grandmother got rid of it and made me an equal sized green velvet one stuffed with material

-like the Moomin saying to Jesus and God

-'You're Hypocritical Book of Lies'

-recently had a dream for several seconds comics creator Rob Liefeld was lying on me in bed. And the Anti-Christ looked like him

-the soft toy maybe saying parts of the Bible aren't true

-Hyper Critical- like how harsh Jesus and God can be with treatment of others

-You're Book of LIES

-like the dream of LIEFELD. Maybe saying the Bible is LIE FILLED

-whatever caused me to dream I was in bed with Rob Liefeld maybe saying this because they know it



-I used to get dreams of original products

-one was a pair of long sweat pants. Light grey with an about one inch long angled dark grey dashes over them. And the name 'Supre' written on them in small handwriting

-like someone saying


-the SAVIOR. DESTROYS lives like for the SHEER SPORT of it

-the angled dashes down them. Like they cause tears

-in about 1991 on a table in front of a bookstore. Was a magazine with the photo of star 'Marky Mark' Wahlberg on a stage in shorts

-Marky Mark like in the dashes

-the hairs on his legs were fictional. Long, black and far spaced. Like the dashes on the sweat pants in the dream

-I take that picture of him like a method to guide me. And they may be saying by that this about God and Jesus is true

-space might regard Jesus Christ and Jenette Kahn as the greatest threats to it-

-SUPRE as in SAVIOR and SUPER comics

-the dashes over the pants (like STARS) and SUPRE- SPACE


-recently a few times. I must have been tired when typing Posts. When I read back what I had written. There were words in it I didn't remember typing. Sometimes just a word. Or sometimes whole lines. What I had written didn't make sense. This has only happened to me recently. Like some force setting it up to say the points in this Post are right. As well parts of the Bible aren't true

-I saw the PRINCE video 1999. It had the line 'I was dreaming when I wrote this forgive me if it goes astray'. The song based on me. But the way I saw the fake lines and words in what I had written like saying parts of the Bible aren't real

Pieces of my Heart

-years ago while I was living at a Support Home

-I was in the lounge at night with a few other clients watching TV. I was with other clients

-there came on a New Zealand film made for TV

-starring in it the actress from New Zealand who played Jesus Christ's mother in a film

-like saying two marriages to men Jesus Christ wrecked for me

-or saying they would have been married to me the maybe Anti-Christ

-it was set in the 1960s in New Zealand. An Institution where young unmarried pregnant girls were sent

-a largish building more like the size of a Mental Institution 

-but only with enough girls to fill an extended table for meals

-the two husbands Jesus Christ and DC Comics' Jenette Kahn wrecked

-Spider-Man actor Tom Holland

-and a local man I think who is like me and looks like the character David Platt based on me of Coronation Street

-I met in a Doctor's Reception with a woman with him who looked like David Platt's screen wife Kylie Platt

-years ago in one year I had two paranormal loaves of BREAD. Like character too based on me Bud Bundy / Bread Bun

-in one scene in the film all the girls had for dinner was BREAD. And they may have had to fight over that

-the first loave of bread that year. Across the surface was a circle shaped dip. Like a HOLE for Tom HOLLAND

-I started to eat it then threw it away in case it somehow effected me

-the second loave of bread. It had been left too long but not by too much

-over the loave grew HAIRS

-like the man like David PLATT who in the series is a HAIRDRESSER

-I just threw that whole loave away

-Pieces of my Heart- like I had thought of the idea. They would have been Royalty if married to me

-but the world when the truth comes out will still expect them to be like Royal figures. So maybe they can't get a divorce or even separate from their partners if their marriage fails

-a BUN in the oven- maybe one or both of their wives will get pregnant

-the film was about young unmarried girls expecting babies in the 1960s. That says their wives might get pregnant to other men

-I think in the film the two actresses who played the two main girls when pregnant

-one actress who played a girl when she was decades older

-was actress ANNIE Whittle

-as in I might be the ANTI Christ

-I saw the whole film that night

-in the film when one of the girls is about to give birth. The female Staff Member takes her in to a room. And says the Doctor isn't here tonight. You need to lay on this table and give birth by yourself

-which is basically impossible

-HOLE in bread. Like HOLLAND. About 1975 in paddocks at the end of my Street there was a hole ditch in the land. It had the full skeleton of a man. I thought I might have heard LAUGHTER Lucifer from the top side of the Valley 

-the skeleton lying in the ditch. Maybe standing for Tom HOLLAND's wife and her other lover for extra sexual pleasure lying on the beach naked / bones on top of each other. With Tom Holland watching on and probably being filmed. I heard laughter from up on the hillside. Maybe Holland gets no real support or sympathy and people laugh at him. The DITCH for Tom HOLE Land. The skeleton bones in the ditch like the man like David PLATT goes through a similar life

-twice at Tauranga's Historic Village I met men looking like Jesus Christ. They were tall, long hair and a maybe long beard with a look of Jesus 

-the first time about 2010 I was leaving. I fumbled my bike LOCK and said Christ softly. The man looking like Jesus Christ came through the Gates and said You have dropped your HAT. Like the man like David PLATT whose character is a HAIRDRESSER has an affair. I said Christ. How the husband and wife feel. The BIKE LOCK like maybe he is married to a woman like Lois LANE. Or is in a similar marriage. The hat. I once wrote three simple stories meant to be mature Star Wars stories. In one a band of young men are rehearsing in a home. One of them takes off a hat and holds it in front of another member's groin saying All gone

-another time I was at the Historic Village because I heard Record Roundabout was there now and sold comics. As I was about to enter I passed the man again. I said Hello. He replied BUD. Maybe as in the BUG Spider-Man actor Tom Holland and referring to his BUM. Right as I was about to enter the store I felt up with the most drained and hot inside me

-the two LOAVES of bread. Like saying each of their LOVES will LEAVE

-about 1987 I had two dreams each similar to each other. Each time I was lying on my bed in that bedroom. The first time in the opposite corner of my bedroom. In front of a wardrobe I kept Planet etc comics. By that was a woman who looked like fallen super-heroine Wonder Girl. She was wearing an original costume with Cross-Hatching at the top of it (like Webs). For SPIDER Man actor Tom Holland. The next time also in my dream I was lying on my bed. In the opposite other corner of my bedroom there was standing a Witch. In a more simple black dress. I called a character like that HECTUS. As in HAIRCUTS. The husband I could have had like character HAIRDRESSER David PLATT. In the second dream she was standing by a turning comic stand

-years ago about 1981. I was in a Tauranga Second Hand bookstore. There was a curtain in front of the entrance to the back. I got the idea to look behind the curtain in case there was a comic stand I could buy. There was one. (it might be because of my thoughts reflecting what I would see). I asked the Store Owner if I could buy it for $10. He said Yes. Then again I asked at a lower price. I don't know if I paid the lower price. It was a comic stand like in my two dreams

-I have experiences maybe with someone like Cookie Bear. A card I got when young. And the earliest memory I have coming in to live in our new home for the first time in James COOK Street and finding a tin of COOKIES. A couple of years ago there was either a SPIDER or piece of COOKIE on my cabinet of drawers. When I came closer to it, it bounced around

-my often problem computer. On a trip to visit my mother about 1978. She bought me some comics. One had black and white horror stories. There was a panel the Police were bursting through the bedroom door of a man. He might have been lying naked under a sheet and maybe tall, with fawn colored chest hair and hair. He looked like an older student than me I would not meet for years at High School. Named Brendan KILMISTER. As in KILL COMPUTER or KILL the MISTER in males

-I had thought of the idea my computer would bounce around on TV to prove this Post. Like Holland was excited his wife was having an affair. COMPUTER as in COMICS PETER PARKER actor Tom Holland. KILL MISTER like his manhood is damaged

-in a Marvel Comic from about 1980. There was an add for the comic Spider-Woman. A light blue page with colored spots. There was the caption The World's most Misunderstood Super-Heroine. She was saying Don't ask me why. I think that version of Spider-Woman was meant to be a tough person

-I have bought masses of comics, books, DVDs etc over the last 6 years. Rebuilding what I had sold off

-the only two of those I have bought recently and wound up throwing away

-a Spider-Man Movie Junior Novel and Shazam Junior Novel

-both books wound up at their end way before the plots in the films

-PIECES of my Heart

-maybe me or someone set up those to place Holland and 'Platt' in failed marriages

Space Base

 -the insides of Moons carved out -from the year 2000 onwards -the bottom half inside of Moons made up of floors of -apartments like duplica...